Critical Auto by Fast Buds: Strain Info

Critical Auto buds ©GrowDiaries ©Haoss

Welcome to the definitive guide for Critical Auto strain enthusiasts and dive into a wealth of reliable insights gleaned from real-world experiences shared on This post features the nuanced characteristics of the strain’s finished product, including its distinctive aroma, taste, and effects as well as such cultivation patterns as ease of growing, seed-to-harvest time, flowering duration, plant height, yield performance, and more.

Average Rating

8.7 average based on 19 harvests.

User Ratings
(6 reviews)
(3 reviews)
(2 reviews)
(1 reviews)

Aroma and Taste

The user reviews for Critical Auto by Fast Buds suggest a diverse range of experiences in terms of aroma and taste. Some users highlight a distinct pine flavor with earthy undertones, while others mention a smooth and delicious smoke with a unique taste of pine. Despite variations, there’s a common thread of a pleasant and enjoyable smoking experience. The strain’s most frequently reported flavors, including earthy, pine, and woody notes, align with the users’ descriptions, indicating a consistent aromatic profile. The combination of these flavors seems to contribute to a nuanced and satisfying taste for users.

Most Commonly Reported Flavors

Based on 19 reports

What flavors can you expect? ©


Critical Auto appears to offer a balanced set of effects, with users reporting a deeply relaxing and calming physical body effect alongside an energetic and creative mental high. The strain is often described as a great choice for social activities, such as nights out, gaming, or chilling with friends to watch movies. The reported effects include a fantastic body buzz, euphoric highs, and a creative, energetic mindset. Despite the potential for a dreamy state if consumed excessively, the strain generally seems to provide a comfortable and familiar place for users.

Most Commonly Reported Effects

Based on 19 reports

What effects can you expect? ©

Some users note Critical Auto’s suitability for both day and night, suggesting flexibility in usage based on personal preferences. Additionally, there’s potential for medical applications, although specific details may vary among users. Overall, Critical Auto by Fast Buds appears to deliver a well-rounded and enjoyable smoking experience for a wide range of users.

Sativa/Indica Balance

Based on 19 reports

What’s the sativa/indica balance? ©

Critical Auto Cultivation Info

Critical Auto by Fast Buds stands out for its exceptional ease of cultivation, making it a preferred choice for growers, especially those new to cultivating cannabis. The data, although based on a relatively small sample, suggests that compared to other strains, Critical Auto requires minimal effort and expertise to thrive.

Ease of Growing

Based on 19 grows

Critical Auto cola

Is This Strain Easy to Grow? © Photo: Haoss

Seed-to-Harvest Time

In 19 recorded grows, the seed-to-harvest time for Critical Auto ranged from 8 to 16 weeks, with an average of 11.8 weeks. Comprehensive statistics on the entire life cycle and vegetative stage duration, both indoors and outdoors, are available below. Additional graphs offer insights into how choices regarding the growing medium and training techniques can impact the duration of the vegetative stage and overall cycle.


Weeks Spent in Veg and From Seed to Harvest

Based on 19 grows

Veg and Cycle Duration Statistics ©

Weeks Spent in Veg and From Seed to Harvest Outdoors

Based on 2 grows

Outdoor Veg and Cycle Duration Statistics ©

Do Different Mediums Affect Cycle Duration?

Based on 19 grows

Cycle Duration vs Mediums Statistics ©

Does Training Affect Cycle Duration?

Based on 19 grows

Cycle Duration vs Training Statistics ©


Critical Auto Flowering Time

Critical Auto typically exhibits a flowering period lasting 5 to 11 weeks, with an average of approximately 7.3 weeks. It’s important to note that the sample size for outdoor cultivation is relatively small, with data from 2 grows indicating an average flowering time of 7 weeks.

Flowering Time In Weeks

Based on 19 grows

Flowering Time Statistics ©


Based on available data from growers, the average height of Critical Auto at the end of the cycle is 59 cm. Notably, one outdoor grower reported a height of 43 cm. More detailed information on plant height, including various growing conditions and techniques, can be explored in the charts below.


Final Height at Harvest

Based on 17 grows

Height Statistics ©

Final Height at Harvest Outdoors

Based on 1 grow

Outdoor Height Statistics ©

Does the Choice of Medium Affect Height?

Based on 17 grows

Plant Height vs Medium Statistics ©

How Does Training Affect Plant Height?

Based on 17 grows

Plant Height vs Training Statistics ©

Height (cm) vs Pot Size (liters)

Based on 16 grows

Plant Height vs Pot Size Statistics ©


Critical Auto Yield

Critical Auto demonstrates varying yields, ranging from 12 to 129 grams, with an average harvest time at 12 weeks from seed. On average, each plant yields around 67 grams. It’s worth mentioning that limited information is available for outdoor cultivation, with only one reported grow cycle resulting in a yield of 55 grams.


Dry Per-Plant Yield in Grams

Based on 16 grows

Yield Statistics ©

Dry Per-Plant Yield Outdoors

Based on 1 grow

Outdoor Yield Statistics ©

Does the Choice of Medium Affect Yield?

Based on 16 grows

Plant Yield vs Medium Statistics ©

Do Training Techniques Affect Yields?

Based on 16 grows

Plant Yield vs Training Statistics ©

Yield (grams) vs Pot Size (liters)

Based on 15 grows

Plant Yield vs Pot Size Statistics ©



Critical Auto is not known for being overpoweringly aromatic during flowering. The strain is likely to produce medium to low-odor plants, providing growers with a relatively discreet cultivation experience. Further insights into the olfactory characteristics of Critical Auto can be explored in the accompanying smell graph below.

The Intensity of Smell During the Flowering Stage

Based on 16 reports

How strong are the plants likely to smell? ©